by: Mike Sprouse/TennisCT

In northern parts of the U.S., we are starting to see signs of Spring. For many people, it means getting ready for the high school tennis season. For others, it means maybe jumping outside onto a tennis court when the weather cooperates. Even with well over a month still remaining in the indoor tennis season, there is still a feeling of excitement around being able to get outside a bit more.

Here are a few things to keep in mind over the next few months to help you get ready for Spring and Summer tennis:

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  • Hone your technique and strokes now

    • Use the remaining indoor season and the controlled climate it offers wisely. With no wind or sun, you can work on repetition and swing technique without any external factors which make the sport more difficult.

  • Do an equipment check

    • It’s always a good time to look at your equipment and decide whether or not you’re ready for a change in racket, need new strings, or need new sneakers. Doing so now, though, allows you some time to get used to your new rackets, strings or footwear prior to the new season. Plus, with a new season coming, most people like to browse the latest in tennis fashions which we always recommend!

  • Set some new goals for yourself

    • We’ve all heard of “New Years resolutions”. In tennis, a great time to goal-set is in the Spring. Decide where you would like to see your game by the end of summer and what it will take to get there. Do you need more lessons? Do you need to find a competitive group to play in? Do you need to play more tournaments or UTR events? Do you need to take on a new fitness regimen? Use this time to reset your goals.

  • Get fit!

    • So many of us were stuck in quarantine for too long over the past year, and avoided gyms or health clubs. With the weather turning nicer, use the time to get active outdoors. Try and embrace a fitness routine specifically to benefit your tennis game. This means building a base of endurance (2 mile runs - yes; 6 mile runs - not necessary for tennis); getting more flexible; working on your core muscles; and more. We find that workouts at a local track can go a long way in your tennis fitness.

  • Take Spring Tune-up or Drop-in classes at your local club

    • There’s a reason that most clubs offer classes specifically geared towards getting you out of the Winter blah’s and into a Spring-like energy. The programming offered is usually a combination of endurance, quickness drills, technique and point play. Do sign up for the programs your club offers at this time - they’re tailored to get your game into shape for the summer season.